Facet Theory Books (Short Annotated List)
Shye, S. & Elizur, D. (1994). Introduction to Facet Theory: Content Design and Intrinsic Data Analysis in Behavioral Research. London: Sage.
►An essential textbook of Facet Theory, with examples and instructional material. A best seller. Translated into Chinese.
Shye, S. (1985). Multiple Scaling: The Theory and Application of Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Amsterdam: North Holland.
► The basic book for understanding multi-dimensional measurement by POSAC and its relationship to the conceptual SSA of the variables.
Shye, S. (Ed.). (1978). Theory Construction and data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. A volume in honor of Louis Guttman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
►A collection of articles by colleagues and students of Louis Guttman, explaining and tackling key issues in Facet Theory, as well as eye-opening applications.
Canter, D. (Ed.). (1985). Facet Theory: Approaches to Social Research. New York: Springer Verlag.
► A collection of instructive articles on the philosophy and practice of Facet Theory including its application to complex behavioral systems.
Borg, I. & Shye, S. (1995). Facet Theory: Form and Content. Newbury Park, California: Sage.
► Statistically oriented account of Facet Theory including the moment theory of attitude components and computation of regional partition-lines in content spaces.
Additional Facet Theory-related Books
Borg, I. & Lingoes, J. C. (1987). Multidimensional Similarity Structure Analysis. New York:Springer Verlag.
Lingoes, J.C. (1973). The Guttman-Lingoes Nonmetric Program Series. Ann Arbor, Michigan:Mathesis Press.
Lingoes, J.C., Roskam, E. E. & Borg, I. (Ed.). (1979). Geometric Representations of RelationalData: Readings in Multidimensional Scaling. (2nd Edition) Ann Arbor Michigan: Mathesis Press.
Shye, S. (Ed.). (1991). Facet Theory and Its Applications Jerusalem: Megamot, 33(3-4). Aspecial issue in memory of Louis Guttman. (Hebrew, with abstracts in English).