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Keynote Address

A lecture given at the 15th Facet Theory Conference, describing Facet Theory as a revolutionary paradigm for the social and behavioral sciences.

SAMUEL SHYE, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Geometry can link data and concepts. The first part of the lecture shows how geometric language can be used to represent and analyze investigated concepts (such as intelligence, health etc.). A map, wherein the more similar (e.g., highly correlated) variables are mapped as points that are closer together than less similar variables, represents the concept investigated. Regions discovered in the map that are inhabited by semantically-defined subsets of variables, represent components of that concept. Examples are drawn from intelligence research and quality of life research.

Multidimensional measurements are possible. The second part of the lecture presents Multiple Scaling procedures for measuring complex attributes, using the algebraic notion of partial order. Examples are drawn from TV watching habits and creativity research.

Prediction strategy must be amended. Finally, a new prediction paradigm for the social and behavioral sciences is presented.

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